Discover some out-of-the-box home appliance upkeep advice that you might not have considered before

Who doesn’t love waking up to the smell of pancakes sizzling in the kitchen? When it comes to cooking up these breakfast delights at home, you might be wondering if you should stick to a trusty old pan or invest in a specialized pancake gadget. Whatever your preference, one thing is certain: our home appliances play an essential role in our daily routines. We rely on them to help us whip up meals, do our laundry, and keep our homes comfortable. So, when one of our beloved appliances breaks down, it can be a real headache – not to mention a costly one if we have to repair or replace it. But fear not! With a little bit of TLC, you can extend the lifespan of your appliances and avoid those frustrating breakdowns. In this article, we’ll share five expert tips for appliance repair and keeping them in tip-top shape.

Tip #1: Keep appliances spick-and-span

Regular cleaning is paramount for the proper functioning of appliances. For instance, cleaning the lint filter in your dryer can prevent overheating and reduce the risk of fire by up to 33%. Similarly, cleaning the coils of your refrigerator can improve its efficiency by up to 30% and reduce energy consumption. Do not pay more for your regular bills! Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, and use the appropriate cleaning products.

Tip #2: Check the power source

If an appliance stops working, the first thing appliance repair companies recommend is to check the power source. Make sure the appliance is plugged in properly, and check the circuit breaker or fuse box to ensure there is no tripped breaker or a blown fuse. If the appliance still doesn’t work, try plugging it into another outlet or testing the outlet with another appliance to see if it’s the outlet that’s faulty.

Tip #3: Replace faulty parts

If an appliance has a faulty part, it may stop working or work inefficiently. Instead of replacing the entire appliance, you can often replace the faulty part to get it working again. Some common parts that may need replacing include belts, filters, and fuses. Be sure to consult the appliance’s manual or contact the manufacturer to ensure you purchase the correct replacement part.

Tip #4: Don’t overload home appliances

Overloading an appliance can cause it to malfunction or break down. For instance, overloading a washing machine can cause it to strain and wear out faster. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for load capacity and avoid overloading appliances. Doing so can help you avoid costly repairs or replacements. In fact, overloading a washing machine can reduce its lifespan by up to 20%.

Tip #5: Schedule regular maintenance at least once a year

Regular maintenance can help prevent appliances from breaking down and prolong their lifespan. For instance, having a professional service for your air conditioning system can help it run more efficiently and prevent breakdowns during hot weather. Make certain to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for each appliance from A to Z. According to a recent study, regular maintenance can extend the lifespan of appliances by up to 50%.


Keeping your appliances in good working order doesn’t have to be complicated or costly. By following these simple appliance repair tips, you can help prevent breakdowns, prolong their lifespan, and avoid costly repairs or replacements. Remember to keep your appliances spick-and-span, check the power source, replace faulty parts, avoid overloading, and schedule regular maintenance. By doing so, you can ensure your appliances work efficiently and save money in the long run.